Definition of MANDALA
(noun) man·da·la \ˈmən-də-lə\
1: a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe; specifically: a circle enclosing a square with a deity on each side that is used chiefly as an aid to meditation Merriam Webster Dictionary
2. (in Jungian psychology) a symbol representing the effort to reunify the self.
3. The Urban Psycho designs; Ink & colored pencil (and sometimes crayon and oil paint and gel pens and acrylic) are used to create original, hand-drawn designs inspired by the ancient form of meditation. Radial symmetry and calculated color combinations inspire the emotions and imagination of the viewer creating a unique experience.

Colored pencil work two hour time lapse.
Mandalas As Art Therapy:
Mandalas are traditionally based on symmetry and precision which gave me a sense of control that I was severely craving, but the shapes and the colors could be anything and I just let them flow in whatever way they wanted to come out. It was this amazing sense of balance and discipline while also being completely free.